Meeting For the First Time on My Wedding Day

First Meetings in Arranged Marriages

Getting married to someone you just met can be nerve-wracking. Arranged marriages are common in many cultures, where parents select a suitable match for their child.

While this practice has its benefits, meeting your future spouse for the first time on your wedding day can be daunting. In this article, we will provide tips on making the most of this experience and making your first-time meeting enjoyable and memorable for your arranged marriage life.

What to Expect When Meeting Your Betrothed

When meeting your betrothed for the first time, it is natural to feel anxious and unsure about your compatibility. Here are some common experiences and expectations couples face in arranged marriages:

Nerves and Awkwardness

It’s completely normal to feel nervous when meeting your future spouse for the first time. You’re about to begin one of the most significant relationships in your life with someone who is still a stranger.

The initial interactions are likely to feel awkward as you navigate getting to know each other. Don’t panic if the conversation doesn’t flow smoothly or there are long pauses. Break the tension by starting with simple small talk about hobbies, interests, or favorite foods.

Be patient with yourself and your partner during this anxious phase. Over time, as you establish emotional intimacy, the nerves will fade.

Assessing Compatibility

The first meeting is all about assessing your compatibility as a couple across different areas. Pay attention to each other’s personality traits, communication styles, interests, values, and goals.

Look for common ground that you can bond over like shared hobbies, food likes, spiritual beliefs, or desire to travel. Don’t get hung up on surface-level differences in tastes in music or fashion. Focus more on emotional and intellectual chemistry. Do you laugh at each other’s jokes?

Can you discuss deep topics openly? Do you align on important values like family, ambition, or generosity? If you feel you are incompatible, be honest about it so you can address concerns now rather than later.

Physical Attraction

It is natural to have some thoughts and feelings about physical attraction when you meet your betrothed. The level of importance you place on chemistry and looks is deeply personal.

For some, a strong initial physical spark is non-negotiable. For others, attraction can develop gradually over quality time spent together. If you feel instant attraction, view it as a positive start to your relationship. If you don’t, don’t panic. Focus on emotional intimacy and be open to the possibility that physical chemistry can grow.

Only you can decide what you want and need in a marriage. Communicate sensitively and honestly with your partner about this delicate topic when the time is right.

Family Introductions

Arranged marriages join not just individuals but families too. Expect to meet your partner’s immediate and extended family at the first meeting. This will likely include parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. They will be eager to get to know you and assess if you are a good match for their loved one.

Be respectful, and engaged, and make an effort to connect with your partner’s relatives. Ask considerate questions to show your interest in their lives and backgrounds. Observe your partner’s interactions and dynamics with family to gain insights into their upbringing and values.

Finding commonalities like shared ancestral towns or cuisine can help you relate better. If family plays an important role in your or your partner’s life, building bonds early on will pay dividends.

Discussing the Future

While the first meeting should not feel like a job interview, do have open conversations about major issues that will affect your future together. This includes children, career paths, financial perspectives, gender roles, and religious beliefs. The goal is not to decide everything definitively on the first day.

But lightly discussing these topics will allow you to understand areas of alignment, compatibility and discord between your visions, values and plans for the marriage.

With sensitive communication, you can then align expectations and make informed compromises where needed. This lays the groundwork for a shared vision of the future.

First Impressions Matter

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression. While arranged marriages can overcome awkward beginnings and flourish over time, making the right first impression from the start sets the tone for the relationship positively. Use the tips below to get off on the right foot when you have your first meeting.


It’s understandable to feel a sense of excitement and happiness when you meet your betrothed for the first time. After all, this is someone you may spend your life with, and the first meeting opens up that possibility.

If your first interactions are positive, you are likely to feel an emotional high, optimism about the future, and joy at having found a potential life partner. While unrealistic to expect perpetual happiness, try to cherish and be grateful for this initial blissful phase. Let your happiness motivate you to build intimacy.

But also know that all relationships have ups and downs, and true partnership means getting through hard times together.


For some, the first meeting brings immense relief – especially if you had anxieties about your marriage being arranged or concerns about incompatibility. If you find your partner attractive, intelligent, funny, and kind, you will likely feel the weight lift off your shoulders.

You may think to yourself “Whew, things are going to be okay after all! I can make this work.” This relief can motivate you to actively nurture your blossoming relationship.

However, don’t let the initial sense of relief make you complacent. Continue putting in effort to understand your partner deeply beyond that first positive impression.


It’s not uncommon to feel intense infatuation and adoration in the initial stages of arranged marriages. When your first interactions go smoothly, you may put your partner on a pedestal and feel they “can do no wrong.”

You might be head-over-heels, obsess over their good qualities, and downplay or overlook flaws. While the rush of adoration feels good, remember that real relationships take work to build.

Resist idealizing your partner. Rather, keep looking to understand their nuances over the months and years to come. What you adore on day one may be different from what you appreciate deeply later. Let sober, committed love flourish by seeing your partner realistically.

First Meetings in Arranged Marriages

Tips for a Positive First Meeting

Here are some tips to make your first meeting as smooth and comfortable as possible:

1. Dress to Impress

Take time to groom yourself impeccably and select an outfit that makes you feel confident and attractive. Men may opt for well-fitted pants, a button-down shirt, a sports jacket, and polished shoes.

Women can choose a flattering salwar kameez, saree or elegant dress paired with tasteful jewelry. Dressing well shows that you value your partner’s time and are making an effort. It also makes a strong first impression that you carry yourself well.

2. Be Punctual

Plan your travel so you arrive 5-10 minutes early rather than keeping your partner waiting. You want to start the meeting on a positive note rather than having to apologize for tardiness.

Arriving on time also conveys that you are responsible, respectful of others, and take this introduction seriously. Being punctual paves the way for a smooth meeting.

3. Bring a Gift

A thoughtful gift, even something small, helps break the ice and shows that you came prepared to actively build a connection. Choose something personalized to your partner’s tastes like a box of chocolates they mentioned liking, flowers in their favorite color, a book genre they enjoy, or something symbolic like a plant representing new beginnings.

When selecting a gift, steer clear of anything too extravagant or overly personal at this early stage. The gesture signifies your intention to make them feel special.

4. Watch Your Body Language

Consciously maintain open, welcoming body language. Face each other and make steady eye contact to demonstrate your full attention. Smile warmly and nod along as they speak.

Avoid closed-off gestures like crossed arms or constantly looking around the room rather than at your partner. Match your genuine interest in learning about them through positive body language. This puts both parties at ease.

5. Actively Listen

Listening is just as important as asking questions. Give your full concentration to understand not just their words but the intent behind them. Make eye contact, nod, and offer words of affirmation like “I see” or “Tell me more” to show you are absorbed in the conversation.

Avoid interrupting and be attentive even to pauses so they feel heard. Active listening fosters connection and trust.

6. Find Common Ground

Establishing common interests, values or preferences helps you quickly build rapport so conversation flows smoothly. Ask about their favorites – food, sports teams, travel destinations, films, hobbies etc.

Share yours and look for mutual interests or funny coincidences to bond over. Having things in common makes you feel more compatible right away.

7. Be Open-Minded

Enter with an open mindset oriented toward learning about your partner rather than judging. If you disagree on something, politely ask follow-up questions to understand their perspective rather than getting defensive about yours. Maintaining a warm, non-judgmental attitude will make you both feel comfortable opening up.

8. Ask Questions

Drive conversation by asking open-ended questions that require more than a yes/no answer and encourage them to open up.

Go beyond surface-level small talk to learn about their passions, dreams, values, childhood memories, opinions on important issues, fears etc. Give reassurance that you find their thoughts interesting to foster vulnerability.

9. Watch the Clock

It is easy to lose track of time if the conversation is flowing smoothly. But limit the first meeting to 1-2 hours even if things are going well. This prevents mental fatigue from overthinking or trying too hard to impress.

Ending the meeting on an upbeat note leaves you both eager for the next meeting rather than exhausted.

10. Be Honest About How You Feel

Politely share your genuine impressions after the meeting, both good and bad. Honesty and openness are key, even regarding difficult topics like lack of physical attraction. Having hard conversations with empathy, tact, and care for the other person builds trust and paves the way for a strong future partnership.

Meeting your betrothed for the first time on your wedding day can be daunting. But being prepared and putting your best foot forward lays the foundation for a happy future together. Focus on emotional connections, not just practical compatibility. With openness, patience, and effort, your first meeting can blossom into a loving, lasting relationship. Learn here more about arranged marriages and related tips and guides.