Decorating Our First Home Together on a Budget as Newlyweds

Decorating Our First Home Together

As newlyweds, decorating our first home together can be an exciting yet daunting task, especially when working with a limited budget. Furnishing an entire house requires careful planning and prioritization to create a cozy living space we both love, without breaking the bank.

In this blog article, we will share tips on how couples can decorate their new home on a budget, from finding affordable furniture to adding personal touches that reflect their style.

Determine Your Decorating Style

The first step to decorating your home is defining the aesthetic you both envision for your space. Have an open discussion about your individual styles and find common ground on a cohesive look you want to pursue.

Consider your lifestyle and how you plan to use the home to guide your design choices. For example, if you entertain often, opt for durable furniture pieces that can handle high traffic.

Here are some popular decorating styles to get you started:

  • Modern – Clean lines, neutral colors, sleek and minimalist
  • Rustic – Natural materials, warm hues, distressed wood finishes
  • Eclectic – Mix of styles, textures, unexpected pairings
  • Farmhouse – Light and airy, vintage touches, subtle patterns
  • Scandinavian – Light wood, airy, minimalist with pops of color

Once you’ve agreed on a style, it will be easier to make consistent choices as you shop for furniture and accessories. Create an inspiration board with images that represent your vision.

Set a Realistic Budget

The next crucial step is determining your decorating budget. Comb through your monthly finances together and allocate a realistic amount you can devote specifically to home decor each month.

Depending on your current financial situation, you may need to decorate slowly over time. That’s ok! Spreading out bigger purchases prevents you from overspending.

Here are some tips for setting your budget:

  • List home decor priorities – Focus first on items you need most like a sofa or bedroom set. Leave wants for later.
  • Calculate total furnishing costs – Create a master list of what you need to buy and their approximate costs. This will give you a spending benchmark.
  • Open a joint savings account Set aside a portion of your income each month to save for decor.
  • Look for extra income – Consider freelancing or reselling unwanted items to supplement your budget.
  • Track spending diligently – Note every home decor purchase and stay accountable to your budget.

couple setting painting on wall in new home

Finding Affordable Furniture

Once armed with your style and budget, it’s time to start decorating! When shopping for key furniture pieces, look beyond the usual big box stores if you want quality items at lower prices.

Here are some money-saving tips for scoring stylish furnishings on a budget:

  • Shop discount stores like TJ Maxx, Tuesday Morning, or Marshalls – You can find brand name furniture for way less. Go often as stock rotates.
  • Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist – Search for lightly used secondhand pieces listed at reasonable prices.
  • Thrift stores – Digging through thrift shops can reveal unique vintage or antique items in great condition.
  • Flea markets and garage sales – Haggle for deals on furniture people are trying to clear out. Arrive early for best selection.
  • Online auctions – Bid on home furnishings and decor at sites like and
  • Rental furniture companies – Consider leasing big ticket items like sofas until you can purchase.
  • Floor models and open box items – Ask for steep discounts on these brand new, barely used display products.

The key is staying patient – attractive and affordable options are available if you put in the work to find them!

Low-Cost Decor Ideas

Beyond furniture, you can decorate your first home with personal touches that reflect your style for very little. Get creative with these budget-friendly ideas as you add your unique flair throughout the rooms:

  • Display travel mementos – Souvenirs like postcards, maps, curios create free wall art.
  • Raid fabric scraps – Old clothes, sheets, or swatches from craft stores can become accent pillows.
  • Mix thrifted frames – Repurpose frames of various sizes and styles to display photos.
  • Create an uplifting gallery wall – Use inspirational quotes printed on decorative paper or cheap canvas.
  • Showcase collections – Bottlecaps, shells, books – group together special items on shelves.
  • Accent with greenery – Add life with low-maintenance succulents and potted herbs.
  • Paint with stencils – Use removable wallpaper templates to add polished patterns.
  • Arrange fresh flowers – Cheap bouquets from the grocery enliven tables and shelves.
  • Display string lights – Outline windows, the headboard, or front porch on the cheap.

You can enjoy an Instagram-worthy space that reflects your newlywed style by infusing your new home with personal mementos and DIY projects.

couple painting new home walls

Add Furniture Over Time

Chances are you won’t be able to furnish your entire home all at once on a tight budget. That’s completely normal for a new couple! Have patience as you gradually add vital pieces you need most first, then save up for statement pieces you’ll treasure.

Follow this timeline as a guide for budget-friendly decorating over your first year:

  • Month 1 – Purchase a mattress and basic bedroom necessities
  • Month 3 – Invest in a good quality sofa or sectional
  • Month 6 – Add key furnishings for your most-used spaces like the living room and kitchen
  • Month 9 – Decorate hobby or utility spaces like a home office
  • Month 12 – Save up for bigger splurges like a dining set or outdoor seating

Remain focused on quality over quantity, and enjoy the process of building your home decor over time. Before you know it, you’ll have a well-appointed starter home to celebrate your first year of marriage!

Shop Secondhand for Style

To save substantial money on home decor, learn to love antiquing, flea markets, thrifting, and consignment furniture shops.

Secondhand shopping allows you to score high-end furniture for a fraction of retail prices. And vintage or repurposed pieces add character you won’t find at chain stores.

Here are tips for decorating with secondhand finds:

  • Search carefully – Look in nooks and corners for hidden gems. You never know what you’ll uncover.
  • Know quality – Learn to spot well-made furniture built with solid wood joinery and durable upholstery.
  • Assess condition – Check for damage or signs of wear and account for any repairs needed.
  • Have a vision – See past outdated finishes to an item’s potential to fit your style with minor updates.
  • Haggle respectfully – Politely ask if the seller has flexibility on the price for furniture in great shape.
  • Be prepared – Bring tools, cash, and a truck or hire movers for big items.
  • Seek help – For reupholstery, repairs, or refinishing, find experts to make heirloom pieces.

With some perseverance, you can give pre-loved furniture and decor new life in your home. The savings make it worthwhile!

Our First Home Decor Tips

Finally, remember to enjoy decorating your first home together! Compromise on pieces you both love. Seek each other’s input before making major purchases.

Split up tasks like painting or assembling furniture. Make design choices that support your lifestyle as newlyweds. Add special touches like wedding photos and gifted items that make the space distinctly yours.

While decorating on a modest budget takes more effort, you’ll learn useful skills like negotiation and compromise. Most importantly, take pride in building a home filled with love, memory-making, and your combined style as you embark on this exciting new chapter together!


Decorating your first home as newlyweds involves determining your style, setting a realistic budget, finding affordable furniture, adding personal touches, and being patient as you shop secondhand and add critical pieces over time.

Follow this guide for money-saving tips to help you create a beautiful starter home that reflects your couple’s style. Most importantly, enjoy nesting and making decor decisions together as you blend your lives in your new shared space! Learn here more newlyweds couple starting life tips and guidance.