Important Tips for a Happy Married Life
Getting married marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter as you and your spouse build a life together. As wonderful as marriage can be, it inevitably comes with challenges that can rock the foundation of even the strongest relationships.
With effort, understanding, and commitment to growth from both partners, many pitfalls can be avoided in order to create a healthy lifelong union filled with passion, friendship and joy.
In this blog post comprehensive guide, we will outline tips and strategies for navigating the key areas that, if nurtured properly, lead to sustained marital success and happiness.
Practical Tips for a Happy Married Life
1. Focus on Friendship
They say that the couples who play together stay together. At the very heart of every lasting marriage is an unbreakable bond of true friendship between partners.
Setting aside dedicated time for pure fun and laughter has profound effects, both fueling dopamine and endorphins that trigger positive emotions, and strengthening understanding as you get to know the deepest parts of your spouse when guards are lowered in mirth.
2. Set Aside Regular Fun Time Together
In the daily hustle of adulthood, it’s easy to get stuck in a repetitive grind of work, domestic responsibilities and shuttling kids around. While such productive busyness has its place, you run the risk of disconnecting from simple enjoyment with each other if you go too long without coming up for air.
Commit to spending at least 30 minutes a few times a week solely focused on having fun one-on-one. Dancing in the kitchen, stargazing, listening to records from your dating years – it matters less what you do as long as it sparks laughter, nostalgia and a spirit of playfulness.
3. Laugh and Share Light Moments Often
Humor has incredible bonding properties when shared. Tell your partner silly things the barista said that made you chuckle on your coffee run. Forward that viral YouTube video you know will crack them up. Shoot each other witty memes during tedious meetings.
Surprise with spur-of-the-moment jokes when least expected. The more frequently you make each other laugh and trade lighthearted bits from daily life, the more your innate friendship connection strengthens.
4. Frequently Check in and Update Each Other
It’s easy for spouses – especially those who live busy, independent lives – to start feeling more like friendly roommates than romantic partners if you go too long without meaningful check-ins. Make sure to frequently chat and provide life updates so you both feel connected to what the other is doing, thinking and feeling.
Quick texts during the day saying “Thinking of you” or “My meeting is boring…wish you were here” go a long way, as do decompression talks before bed where you catch each other up on the events of your day.
5. Share Stories to Continue Getting to Know Each Other
Early in relationships, you likely spent countless hours sharing your hopes, dreams, past experiences and quirky preferences as a way to deeply know your partner’s inner world. But as you settle into married life, it’s easy to start operating in silos and lose touch with the magic that comes from storytelling.
Dedicate time, free from the distractions of kids and phones, to tell expanded stories from your past so your spouse can continue learning new dimensions of who you are.
Childhood antics, pivotal coming-of-age moments, what moved you to tears or made you laugh hysterically – be vulnerable sharing events that shaped you into the person you are. Listening closely when your partner reciprocates connection through stories builds intimacy unlike nearly anything else.
6. Cultivate Intimacy
While friendship forms the foundation of sustainable marriages, cultivating intimacy keeps the spark alive. Spouses who make consistent efforts to be affectionate and transparent with each other, both physically and emotionally, report higher levels of relationship satisfaction and sexual fulfillment according to marriage research.
Setting aside a couple time to connect beyond daily logistics fosters closeness that withstands external stresses over lifelong commitment.
7. Plan Romantic Date Nights and Gestures
In the beginning stages of dating and courtship, you likely thought nothing of planning creative date activities and romantic surprises to impress your partner.
But as years pass and the pressures of adulting get more demanding, such gestures often fall by the wayside. An easy trap to fall into is expending energy romancing clients, colleagues and friends while assuming your spouse knows how cherished they are even without the extra effort.
Never stop dating your spouse! Regularly plan special outings, give small love-filled gifts like their favorite dessert or mixed CDs, send amorous texts, leave cheeky notes in lunches – the possibilities are endless. Such thoughtful gestures will make your partner feel adored.
8. Explore New Things Sexually to Maintain Passion
One way married couples risk growing distant over time is becoming overly comfortable in the bedroom to the point of boredom. Counteract the gradual decline in novelty and excitement by making concerted efforts to continue exploring sexually throughout marriage.
Be brave getting out of your comfort zone trying styles of lovemaking you’ve fantasized about. Invest in toys, props, games and naughty accessories to add variety. Read or listen to erotic literature together as a form of foreplay.
Surprising each other with passionate spontaneity in different locations around the house will also keep energy high. Maintaining an experimental, adventuresome love life is crucial for sustaining intimacy long-term.
9. Open Up Emotionally to Foster Deeper Connections
Getting your partner to open up beyond surface-level pleasantries to expose inner dreams, fears and aspirations can feel like trying to crack Fort Knox at times.
Deep emotional transparency doesn’t come naturally to most men thanks to societal conditioning. For women, lingering insecurities, past relationship trauma or hormonal changes can also cause barriers ascending to full vulnerability. But allowing yourself to be fully seen, shadows and all, is incredibly bonding.
Create safe spaces for raw confessions and soul-baring conversations. Tackle sensitive topics gently, without judgment or attempts to “fix” things. Active listening with genuine curiosity for the other’s inner world will organically foster greater emotional intimacy over time.
10. Communicate Openly
They say communication is the lifeline of any healthy relationship. Marriages are no exception. Partners who prioritize transparency, thoughtfully work through conflict, and validate each other’s perspectives – even during disagreements – avoid common pitfalls caused by pent-up resentment, mismatched expectations, and misunderstandings.
Get in the habit of frequent check-ins, emotionally intelligent dialogues and compassionate truth-telling with your spouse early on to set your marriage up for open, effective communication that stands the test of time.
11. Set Clear Expectations to Avoid Confusion
Much tension and arguments in marriages boil down to partners failing at properly communicating needs and the expectations attached to them. For example, one spouse may repeatedly request help around the house but feel perpetually disappointed if their partner keeps assuming they just want a clean living environment when the underlying longing is to feel cared for by way of thoughtful acts.
Set aside time regularly to get ultra clear on what you each hope or envision for aspects of your relationship and household. Verbally clarify underlying motivations and emotions tied to stated desires.
Once understood, write down vows of commitment towards fulfilling the expectations as a couple so no one feels frustrated from mixed signals.
12. Discuss Difficulties Thoughtfully, Not Attack
Inevitably you’ll encounter prickly subjects where you disagree or risk hurting each other’s feelings during marriage – sex, money and in-law dynamics seeming most common according to research.
Yet rather than weaponize painful points as attacks like “You always sabotage our budget!” or “You’re such a prude”, approach tender topics thoughtfully by first taking a beat to calm down, then revisiting once level-headed. Use emotionally intelligent language aimed at finding understanding versus blaming or accusing.
Starting sentences with “I feel concerned that…” rather than “You never…” will completely shift the tone of hard conversations to constructive versus destructive.
13. Listen, Reflect Back and Clarify If Needed
Miscommunications often happen because partners talk past each other while caught up in their own perspectives and emotions rather than generously listening first with the intent towards mutual understanding.
Combat reflexive reactions by becoming a proactive listener who makes your partner feel genuinely heard and seen. Refrain from mentally formulating defenses or comebacks while they speak.
Instead focus intently on comprehending through active reflection like “What I hear you saying is you feel overwhelmed with how much is on your plate…” Ask thoughtful follow-up questions to clarify rather than making assumptions. Your spouse will feel respected, leading to more effective communication.
14. Validate Perspectives Even When Disagreeing
You and your partner won’t see eye to eye on everything. Expressing disagreement in thoughtful, measured ways is healthy and expected at times in marriage.
But rather than write off each other’s differing takes or opinions as wrong or ridiculous, get in the habit of validating differences in perspective. Gently challenge inconsistencies with questions like “Help me understand why you feel that way…” Progress to finding a middle ground by naming points of agreement first before bridging to compromises that honor both views.
Validating the logic within their lens on issues, even when in opposition to yours, prevents toxic conversational patterns.
15. Show Appreciation
With so much ongoing coordination required to operate a shared household, raise kids and navigate joint financial obligations, partners often start viewing each other more akin to business partners than passionate
lovers in the grind of daily life. But regularly expressing genuine gratitude and admiration can work wonders reviving fond feelings between spouses.
Appreciation fuels happiness hormones, evokes mutual caretaking instincts and incentivizes reciprocal kindnesses in relationships. Make conscious efforts to verify your partner feels valued through verbal affirmation, sweet surprises and genuine compliments.
16. Thank for Daily Contributions and Efforts
In functional partnerships, domestic duties and financial burdens get divided between spouses in equitable ways based on respective strengths, earning potential and schedules.
While you hopefully establish such systems out of fairness, don’t let that erase recognition of the sheer effort your partner exerts in their roles.
Express thanks when your spouse does the little things that keep your joint lives running smoothly like paying the bills on time, remembering to stock your favorite cereal or consoling the kids after a bad day. Explicit gratefulness for unglamorous yet vital day-to-day contributions builds treasured feelings of being a valued team.
17. Send Sweet Texts and Notes to Express Gratitude
With the daily hustle and communication predominantly focused on coordinating schedules and responsibilities, it’s easy for partners to slip into task-based interactions void of much warmth.
Combat ambivalence and prevent your spouse from feeling like an afterthought by reinstituting thoughtful gestures from the romantic courtship phase. Send occasional “Thinking of you” texts while you’re apart. Leave playful post-it love notes in their car or wallet to discover later.
Mail funny cards or sincere letters detailing things you cherish about them or memories that came to mind that made you smile. Such simple acts of kindness keep fondness alive.
18. Give Genuine Compliments and Admiration
In the comfort of intimate relationships, sincere praise and admiration often gets replaced by playful sarcasm or digging jabs over time. But words carry weight.
Make sure your spouse feels seen and validated by verbally applauding wins or qualities you genuinely appreciate frequently. Compliment their killer new haircut or style evolution.
Comment on how impressive their work achievement is when they share office news over dinner. Brag about their talents or strengths during social gatherings. Words of affirmation rank highest in love languages for a reason – they make people feel cherished.
19. Do Regular Appreciation Check-Ins
Over time, expressions of verbal or even implicit gratitude through acts of service become less instinctual the more comfortable you get with your spouse reliably being there.
Combat such complacency risks by doing periodic appreciation check-ins as a couple to nurture mindfulness of all your partner contributes to make your shared lives work.
At least monthly, talk through all the big and small ways they enrichen your life, handle vital business behind the scenes and bring you joy or comfort when needed. Such discussion fosters security and fuzzies.
20. Manage Conflict Well
Even the most compatible, loving couples will encounter areas of conflict and disagreement over years of doing life side by side as priorities shift, stress compounds and seasons change.
But how you handle and resolve recurring arguments, tense standoffs or surprising revelations from your partner makes all the difference between a marriage that slowly erodes from unresolved hurt feelings versus one that continues strengthening into unbreakable oneness.
Approach conflict resolution as a team committed to righting rifts rather than casting blame or keeping score.
21. Compromise and Find Solutions That Meet in the Middle
In marriage you won’t always see eye to eye with your spouse on issues tied to goals, lifestyle preferences, parenting styles, etc. Rigidly clinging to your personal opinions or positions as absolute truth will breed resentment over time.
And relentlessly arguing the same points repeatedly gets exhausting for you both. Instead focus on identifying reasonable compromises or innovative solutions that bridge your perspectives.
Be willing to flex in the spirit of unity by incorporating elements of what matters most to each. Creative cooperation prevents gridlock.
22. Take Breaks to Cool Down If Needed
In the heat of charged arguments, flooding emotions can hijack the logic centers of our brains. You or your partner may erupt in outbursts you later regret or spiral into toxic back-and-forths while overwhelmed.
Rather than dig your heels in and continue exchanging hurtful statements that intensify the situation, call a timeout. Let your spouse know you care deeply but need to revisit the topic once you’ve both calmed down.
Taking a break to regroup prevents lasting damage so you can eventually problem solve with cooler heads prevailing.
23. Use “I Feel…” Statements, Not Accusations
Even with the best intentions to work through conflict cooperatively, discourses can easily escalate to inflammatory accusations focused on your spouse’s flaws or failings like “You are so irresponsible with money!” rather than the real underlying issues.
Combat such toxic dynamics by using “I feel…” statements instead to gently voice hurts or worries seasoned with empathy. Sentences like “I feel concerned over how much eating out has impacted our budget goals this month…” convey the same points but invite cooperative problem solving rather than attacking character.
24. Apologize After Arguments and Make Amends
In married life you’re bound to sometimes say things in the heat of frustrating conflicts that cause hurt feelings and emotional damage once the dust settles.
Though not easy for some prideful personalities, be quick to offer sincere apologies once heads cool if you spewed unfair accusations or revealed sensitive vulnerabilities your spouse confided in you alone.
Make amends commiserate to wounds inflicted, whether that means planning a special date night after a regretful shouting episode or redeeming yourself upholding promises you made under duress. Taking ownership after messy clashes prevents ongoing resentment that poisons future interactions.
25. Share Responsibilities
The vows state “…to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health…” While such poetic promises evoke inspiration on your wedding day, actually living out that ideal year after year often requires grittier negotiations over divvying up domestic duties, financial contributions, and managing evolving family dynamics.
Clarify mutual expectations around roles and responsibilities upfront rather than making assumptions or tallying efforts. Approach ongoing obligations in your household more akin to a purpose-driven team working towards collective goals rather than an adversarial scorecard.
26. Divide Duties Equitably Based on Strengths and Schedules
In healthy marriages both partners pull equal weight handling household, childcare and financial responsibilities rather than leaving one person perpetually overburdened while the other coasts.
But equitable does not necessarily mean identical divisions. Assess respective bandwidths, areas of expertise and preferences to strategically delegate recurring obligations like cleaning, yardwork, bills or driving kids around.
Revisit systems when needed – perhaps you handle night wakings with babies given your flexible work-from-home schedule but switch to splitting duties evenly once you take a demanding office job.
27. Renegotiate When Circumstances Change
Over the course of a marriage stretching decades, individual priorities tend to shift substantially as careers advance, babies become teens, aging parents require caretaking – life simply evolves in unpredictable ways.
Be prepared to renegotiate responsibilities with some frequency rather than rigidly clinging to roles that made sense early on. If your spouse wants to pivot careers or needs to travel for work more, assume more housework and kid logistics in solidarity.
If you get laid off and money gets tight, agree to strict budgeting changes together. Adapting to each other’s changing needs prevents resentment when life throws curveballs.
28. Avoid Tallying or Nitpicking Over Contributions
When duties stack up and schedules get demanding, it’s tempting to fall into score-keeping over each small effort or sacrifice as reassurance you’re pulling equal weight in the marriage.
But keeping tallies often backfires, leading partners to feel micromanaged and underappreciated. Likewise, getting overly upset if a usually diligent spouse happens to overlook taking the trash out one week due to pressing work projects breeds resentment.
Allow reasonable slack as you aim to sync responsibilities. And rather than keeping score, just step up asking “How can I help?” if your partner seems overloaded.
29. Step In to Help When Spouse Is Overwhelmed
Despite bestlaid plans spreading tasks evenly on paper, one partner will inevitably end up in the trenches occasionally as larger challenges emerge such as job losses, illnesses or major moves. Recognize when your spouse has maxed bandwidth and cut them slack where you can such as letting household chores slide a bit, ordering takeout or handling kid pickups solo without tallying IOUs.
Lend a listening ear for them to vent frustrations during really stressful seasons too. Having each other’s back during individually trying times – versus nitpicking failures – fortifies marriages to go the distance.
30. Connect with the Community
They say no man is an island. The same applies for marriages. Fixating exclusively inward without meaningful connections into the community leads to eventual isolation and stagnation.
Anchoring your relationship to fellow travelers and mentors along your journey prevents insularity and provides nourishment during increasingly complex phases of married life.
Pursue friendships, faith gatherings or service opportunities together to expand your village. Just be sure to still prioritize couple time amidst community commitments to keep your marriage at the vibrant center.
31. Participate Together in Faith or Interest Communities
Despite societal trends towards secularism, studies still indicate couples who actively participate in faith communities report higher relationship satisfaction and reduced likelihood of splitting up.
The correlation likely connects to shared activities and values strengthening bonds. Even sans religious affiliation, joining groups centered around meaningful interests like volunteering, arts, activism or hobbies creates built-in community while pursuing releasing tension through uninhibited belly laughter. Even when stressed or disconnected, looking into each other’s crinkled eyes as fits of giggles erupt melts away anger. Shared joy heals. Never lose your sense of play.
They say nothing worthwhile comes easy. And perhaps no endeavor requires more mindful, consistent commitment and courage than keeping marriages thriving across decades of unpredictable change.
But with deliberate nurturing through daily check-ins, weekly date nights, participating in counseling when needed, and upholding vows even when your worst selves show up, lifelong love not only endures but ripens beautifully with age. Follow where these tips lead in times of disconnect to revive intimacy. Then pass wisdom to fellow travelers in the community coming behind you.
Each small choice towards health compounds creates stunning masterpieces of enduring marriage against all odds. Yours can stand tall too.